Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Having troubles sleeping?

How to use essential oils for sleep:

• The easiest way to receive the benefits of essential oils is through diffusing them. I have a cute little home diffuser that came with my starter kit from Young Living Essential Oils. It disperses the essential oils molecules into the air and allows you to inhale them. The molecules of the essential oils are so small that they easily enter the olfactory nerves inside of your nose and into the limbic system, which is the seat of emotions in the body. Diffuse oils 30-60 minutes before bedtime.

• If you do not have a diffuser, you can place a drop or 2 of essential oil in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, cup them around your nose and inhale deeply. Do this for several minutes. I have found this an effective way to use many of my sleep oils.

• You can also rub 1-2 drops of essential oils on the bottoms of your feet, shoulders, back of your neck or stomach. I often use a bit of carrier oil like coconut or jojoba to help it spread.

• Mix 3-6 drops of essential oil with epsom salt or baking soda and add to a hot bath water while tub is filling. Soak in bath for 20-30 minutes.

• Rub 1-2 drops on the temples and back of neck several times a day.

• Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of chosen oil on the back.

Order now!

Monday, February 23, 2015

What are Carrier Oils used for?

Carrier oils ensure that essential oils applied topically are comfortable. Dilution with a carrier oil does not dilute the effect of the essential oil, and prevents waste duet to excessive application. Vegetable shortening, butter, margarine, or petroleum derivatives (petrolatum jelly) should NEVER bemused as carrier oils. Some say to avoid olive oil as a carrier oil because of its strong aroma and thick viscosity.

What are carrier oils?

Carrier Oils are fatty oils and can be referred to as vegetable oils, fixed oils, or base oils.


  1. Almond Oil
  2. Castor Oil
  3. Cocoa Butter
  4. Olive Oil 
  5. Palm Oil 
  6. Peanut Oil 
  7. Rape Oil (Canola Oil)


  1. Corn Oil
  2. Cottonseed Oil
  3. Croton Oil
  4. Sesame Oil
  5. Sunflower Oil

  1. Linseed Oil
  2. Hempseed Oil
  3. Soybean Oil
  4. Tung Oil
  1. Apricot Kernel
  2. Argan
  3. Avocado
  4. Borage
  5. Camellia
  6. Canola
  7. Castor 
  8. Coconut
  9. Cranberry Seed
  10. Evening Primrose
  11. Flax
  12. Grape seed 
  13. Hazelnut
  14. Hemp
  15. Jojoba 
  16. Kook
  17. Macadamia nut
  18. Marula (Sclerocarya Birrea) 
  19. Olive 
  20. Palm kernel
  21. Peach kernel
  22. Peanut
  23. Pecan
  24. Pistachio 
  25. Pomegranate Raspberry seed
  26. Safflower
  27. Sesame
  28. Soybean
  29. Sunflower
  30. Sweet Almond
  31. Walnut
  32. Wheat germ

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Benefits of Stress Away Oil

Does work or school ever stress you out to the point where you cannot even relax while at home? You can actually help to minimize your stress by using young livings stress away oil. Stress away helps with much more too. Stress away helps with occasional anxiety; stress & nervous tension in the body, it actually helps to calm the tension. It helps to calm nervousness due to common everyday over work & fatigue. Stress away can also help you go support a healthy blood pressure, improve mental focus, & enhance relaxation. It's a great oil to use while taking a bath. The stress away oil is tropical and a exotic aroma.

Monday, February 9, 2015

How to control hair loss due to stress?

It's so cool when you meet new people & when they ask about essential oils and young living, they realize that they actually already have the diffuser already they got as a gift two years ago for christmas from their mother and its just been sitting on their night stand & they use it nightly but didn't know exactly what it was. I was talking to a co-worker the other night on the way into work and come to find out she uses her diffuser and oils religiously. She started asking questions about the different oils and telling me about her "light green oil, away something" she kept calling it. I then thought for a second to realize she was talking about her stress away oil. She said as a child in school she would loose hair like crazy she had to pay thousands and thousands of dollars for injections into her scalp and it would hurt so bad. All to haver her hair grow back in, well she found out she was loosing her hair due to stress. Several years later she started going though a nasty break up and college and having to move and her life was changing and she was under a lot of stress again. Her mother then bought her the diffuser and stress away oil. Since she started using stress away her stress has been minimized a great deal and she no longer has the hair loss problems anymore.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Benefits of thieves oil.

This is the thieves oil that was mentioned in my previous blog! I'd have to say this is one of my top favorite oils. Thieves oil helps to strengthen your immune system.  It combats against germs, & also helps support dental health. Thieves oil is a blend of clove, lemon, Rosemary, cinnamon, & eucalyptus. I also love how thieves oil can help you to build up a natural immunity. Some use this oil to make a diy disinfectant spray. It can help to sooth an irritated throat by mixing 2-4 drops of it with water and then you dilute it with a carrier oil and apply it to the neck and throat. It's a common ingredient in homemade toothpaste. You can use thieves oil to sanitize your dishwasher. Helps to clear mold from the air. Add 2-6 drops of the oil to a spray bottle of water and use it to clean the surfaces of your countertops. I suggest you buy thieves oil today and see what your family can use it for!! Visit the link to purchase, it's in the listed recommended

Winter Time, Cold season.

You dont want to be sick, & you NEVER want to see you children sick. My son is one and a half. We had a busy day and he was around six kids in one day, normally he isn't around many children at all. He woke up the next morning with a cough and runny nose, I had just got my diffuser in the mail and I was still reading up on the product and how to use them and what they can be used for. I saw that using thieves oil would get rid of the "common cold" so I tried it in my diffuser, within twenty minutes not even a runny nose that previous to using the diffuser was a constant run like a water hose for two days. I was completely amazed at how it stopped and was no longer running. I ended up turning off my diffuser because we had to leave to go to the grocery store because I had been delaying it due to the runny nose. That night I got home and spoke with another representative about how fast it worked and she told me to keep the runny nose gone I should make a paste with the thieves oil and coconut oil and rub it onto his feet. That night I did as she advised and he was simply better the next morning no cough, no runny nose, & no fever. I was simply amazed. If you or someone you know has the common cold, order thieves oil today! Just click the link, It's listed under recommended products.