Monday, February 9, 2015

How to control hair loss due to stress?

It's so cool when you meet new people & when they ask about essential oils and young living, they realize that they actually already have the diffuser already they got as a gift two years ago for christmas from their mother and its just been sitting on their night stand & they use it nightly but didn't know exactly what it was. I was talking to a co-worker the other night on the way into work and come to find out she uses her diffuser and oils religiously. She started asking questions about the different oils and telling me about her "light green oil, away something" she kept calling it. I then thought for a second to realize she was talking about her stress away oil. She said as a child in school she would loose hair like crazy she had to pay thousands and thousands of dollars for injections into her scalp and it would hurt so bad. All to haver her hair grow back in, well she found out she was loosing her hair due to stress. Several years later she started going though a nasty break up and college and having to move and her life was changing and she was under a lot of stress again. Her mother then bought her the diffuser and stress away oil. Since she started using stress away her stress has been minimized a great deal and she no longer has the hair loss problems anymore.

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