Thursday, February 5, 2015

Winter Time, Cold season.

You dont want to be sick, & you NEVER want to see you children sick. My son is one and a half. We had a busy day and he was around six kids in one day, normally he isn't around many children at all. He woke up the next morning with a cough and runny nose, I had just got my diffuser in the mail and I was still reading up on the product and how to use them and what they can be used for. I saw that using thieves oil would get rid of the "common cold" so I tried it in my diffuser, within twenty minutes not even a runny nose that previous to using the diffuser was a constant run like a water hose for two days. I was completely amazed at how it stopped and was no longer running. I ended up turning off my diffuser because we had to leave to go to the grocery store because I had been delaying it due to the runny nose. That night I got home and spoke with another representative about how fast it worked and she told me to keep the runny nose gone I should make a paste with the thieves oil and coconut oil and rub it onto his feet. That night I did as she advised and he was simply better the next morning no cough, no runny nose, & no fever. I was simply amazed. If you or someone you know has the common cold, order thieves oil today! Just click the link, It's listed under recommended products.

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